Stranded in the Middle of Bali Strait, Tabuhan Island

CIMG1241 Captured by Emyl. It’s such a great shot. Love it. ❤

It was hard to believe finally I could join on this trip. At first my dad didn’t give me permission to go anywhere during his trainer ship unless two hours before our train departure schedule, suddenly he told me I could go. Hihi asik!

In this trip I had five friends companion. They were the couple Dhio and Ralin, the handsome Rio (lol), and two girls, Ajeng and Emyl. We started the trip at 5.30 am in the morning. Dhio’s parents took us into Kampe beach where we met the fisherman that we had contacted before. We made a deal with the fisherman that we would pay Rp. 500.000 for the boat. We needed around 50 minutes to cross the sea from Kampe beach to Tabuhan island.

Crossing the sea’s no joke! It was awesome but scary enough haha. The wave was not high and dangerous but somehow whenever I  saw the wave, it made me feel so small and weak. God created this universe so amazingly and perfectly. Subhanallah, Allahu akbar!

ready to go left to right » Rio, Dhio, Ralin, me, Emyl. We were off to Tabuhan!
At Kampe beach. Fyi, most Banyuwangi beaches have good spot to see sunrise since Banyuwangi lies in the tip of east Java. So maybe if you go there right at down, you will enjoy fantastic sunrise!
Hello my baby! :D Saying hello my baby, my dear, my love. The island! 😀 *alay*
The water was vivid until I could see the corals below.
Pulau Tabuhan see you later! let us enjoy this wondrous beach

Woaah I felt sooo very very happy reaching the beach. It was a paradise for me. The beach was quite and there were no house, no people except us as if we stranded in unknown island like what happened to Jack Sparrow lol. So never expect you will find toilet, restaurant, or other facilities there. This island was still pure.

Seeing the clear water, Emyl and I could not wait to swim. After we found a place to put our stuffs, soon we swam onto the sea to meet cutie fish there. Let’s snorkeling 😀 ! Well it’s better for you to snorkeling in the morning because the water would be a little bit muddy when the sun got higher.

Then we explored the island. Well, not much things we could find there. But if you are lucky, you will find Maleo bird. Maleo often comes to the island because of migration. Some of them may spawn there. Unfortunately we couldn’t find them. We just found their eggs (perhaps) but we didn’t capture them.

Pulau Tabuhan say hai by selfie
Snorkeling at Pulau Tabuhan ready to swim! \ 😀 /
Snorkeling at Pulau Tabuhan this time Ajeng joined us, but sadly the water was not as clear as the first time we swam so we couldn’t see the fish again.
Pulau Tabuhan Cheese!
Pulau Tabuhan the sand
Message in a bottle this bottle reminds me of Nicholas Sparks’ novel, Message in a Bottle! such a romantic story but as usual Sparks ends it tragically. why good people die so fast?? 😥
Jumping at Pulau Tabuhan How to express your joy? Jump! 😀
I wasn’t trying to be cute because naturally I was :p lol *liar* I closed my eyes because it’s just too hot there
Tabuhan island So pretty
Pulau Tabuhan, Banyuwangi hello universe. It’s us 😀 from left to right » Rio, Dhio, Ralin, Ajeng, Emyl, me.
Pulau Tabuhan, Banyuwangi it’s time for us to leave this island. feeling sad 😥

This island is terrific! Can’t wait to visit Menjangan Island. I hope our plan will come true! Well thank you so much to Dhio’s family. Thanks for letting us sleep at your house and of course for the food! hihihi. Sampai Jumpa 😀


Pulau Tabuhan or Tabuhan island is located in the middle of Bali strait. It lies in the Banyuwangi, East Java (Jawa Timur), Indonesia.

Transportation and budget

Train ticket from Jember-Banyuwangi » Rp 4000

By car from Dhio’s house-Kampe beach » free

Renting boat round-trip » Rp 500.000 for 6 people. Actually the maximum is for 10 people.

Food » free 😀 hoho

6 responses to “Stranded in the Middle of Bali Strait, Tabuhan Island”

  1. emylrizka Avatar

    ayooo lagi :3


    1. Fiska Avatar

      ayook dong 😀 tapi yang sabtu ini absen dulu mil keke. oleh oleh cerita aja lah yaa :p


      1. emylrizka Avatar

        iya dehh.. yahh aku sendiri.. mana pada ga kenal,, -_-


        1. Fiska Avatar

          yaa kenalan. suka duka traveler mil :p wkwk


  2. pramudita husni Avatar
    pramudita husni

    Nice blog 🙂


    1. Fiska Avatar

      Thank you!


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